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Know the Signs: How to Know It's Time for Memory Care

When you're independent and self-reliant, as so many of the residents at Aberdeen Heights are, it's not easy to accept that you might need Memory Care. Maybe you're starting to notice some signs of dementia, but you're not sure if it's really a problem or if it's normal memory decline that comes with age. Recognizing the signs of memory loss early and receiving the best care possible can slow your cognitive decline. At Aberdeen Heights, The Glen is our dedicated Memory Care neighborhood where you receive compassionate care based on your unique background. Consider a move to The Glen if you notice these symptoms of dementia.

1. Interference With Day-to-Day Activities

If memory loss makes it difficult to handle normal daily tasks, it could be an early sign of dementia. This might include things such as cooking, paying bills, remembering to lock the house or performing personal hygiene. Routine activities might seem more difficult than usual, or you might forget to do them completely. This can cause issues or even put you at risk. For instance, failing to pay bills could result in late fees, disconnected utilities or eviction notices. Forgetting to shut the stove off could potentially cause a fire or injury.

2. Language Problems or Changes

Changes in the brain due to dementia can affect language and speech. You might have difficulty expressing the things you want to say or forget certain words. Perhaps you say things that don't make sense in the conversation or substitute words that don't work for the context. Maybe you struggle to follow the conversation, stop talking suddenly or don't participate in conversations. Repetition in speech can also be a symptom. You might tell the same stories again and again or ask questions repeatedly.

3. Misplacing Things Frequently

Forgetting where you put your car keys or losing pens sometimes can happen to anyone. When you start to misplace things more regularly, it could be a sign of memory loss. This can be especially true if the places you find the items don't make sense. For instance, if you find your remote under your bathroom sink or your car keys in the freezer, you could be dealing with dementia.

4. Disorientation or Getting Lost

Another sign of dementia can be disorientation. For some people, that means becoming disoriented in familiar places. You might get lost navigating to a place you go to all the time, or you might not be able to find your way back to your home when you go for a walk in your neighborhood. Other people experience time disorientation. They might not know what day it is, or they might be confused about the month, season or year.

5. Difficulty With Familiar Tasks

Dementia can interfere with the ability to handle tasks that were once easy. Complex tasks can become even more difficult. Dementia can affect your focus, which can slow you down and make tasks take much longer than usual. You might also find that you don't finish tasks. When it comes to planning, it can be difficult to think through the decisions and make arrangements.

6. Changes in Mood or Personality

Your personality doesn't stay the same throughout your life, but sudden changes could be one of the signs of dementia. Any major shift in personality could point to memory loss, but some characteristics are more common, including:

  • Withdrawing
  • Being suspicious
  • Paranoia
  • Lack of initiative
  • Sadness or depression
  • Anxiety
  • Moodiness
  • Agitation
  • Aggression
  • Major mood swings
  • Inappropriate behavior
7. Poor Judgment or Decision-Making

Dementia can sometimes cause compromised judgment. People with dementia might make poor decisions that affect their health and safety. Some people might mismanage their money while others might neglect personal care and medical tasks, which can cause a decline in their health. They might struggle to problem solve or reason when faced with a challenging situation. This becomes a potentially dangerous situation and can be a turning point where loved ones realize Memory Care is the safest environment.

Explore Our Memory Care Neighborhood

Those who choose Aberdeen Heights for their Memory Care needs, receive compassionate support from caring staff members who undergo continuous training in Memory Care. When you visit our community, you can explore the secure environment with its many amenities and meet the staff. If you want to experience the warm community yourself, contact us online, or call us at 314-394-8943 to talk to one of our care team members.

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