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Bird-Watching Basics for Seniors

Whether you live in the city or the country, you're bound to see birds flitting here and there. You probably recognize common birds, such as robins and cardinals, but Missouri has many other feathered friends waiting for you to discover them. With these bird-watching basics for seniors, you can kick off a new hobby.

Benefits of Bird-Watching for Older Adults

Bird-watching is enjoyable on its own, but it offers several benefits as well. Here are some perks of taking up bird-watching as a senior:

  • Exercise: Walking around to different areas to spot birds gives you a low-impact walk that keeps you active.
  • Adaptability: You can spot birds from almost anywhere, which means it's an adaptable hobby. Even people with limited mobility can enjoy looking for birds.
  • Fresh air: Heading outdoors to spot birds gives you lots of fresh air. Plus, you get a dose of vitamin D from the sun.
  • Cognitive stimulation: Bird-watching can help keep your mind sharp. From noticing the details of the birds and their songs to remembering names and matching them to the birds you see, bird-watching is a fun way to engage your mind.
  • Relaxation: Many people find being in nature and observing birds to be relaxing. It might help you feel less anxious and boost your mood.
  • Socialization: While you can go bird-watching alone, it's often more fun with friends, which gives you a chance to socialize. You can also chat with other bird-watchers to compare notes on which birds you've seen.
Get a Bird Guide Book for Missouri

No matter how many species of birds you already know, there are probably a lot more you haven't heard of yet. Grabbing a guidebook for birds in Missouri helps you identify what you're seeing. You can compare the images and details in the book to the characteristics of the birds you see for identification purposes. A guidebook can also help you determine where to look for certain types of birds and how to spot them.

Buy Binoculars

Since birds are so small and often stay away from humans, having a pair of binoculars can make the hobby more enjoyable. You can see the details of the birds more clearly to appreciate their beauty and to help with identification.

Document What You See

Grab a journal and take it along whenever you go bird-watching. This is a great way to document all the species you see on your outings. Note the type of bird and the location where you saw it. You can also include details, such as the date and features you noticed on the bird. If you have several birds you want to see, make a checklist in the front of the journal, and mark each species off as you spot it.

Get an Early Start

If you're an early riser, bird-watching may be a very rewarding hobby for you. Birds are often active early in the morning when they leave the nest in search of food. They're also usually quite vocal earlier in the day, which helps you spot them. While mornings are usually best, going out at different times of the day may help you find unique species or see birds doing different things. Keeping your binoculars and journal with you whenever you go out means you're always prepared for a bird sighting.

Vary Your Locations

You'll have a better chance of seeing different bird species if you bird-watch from different locations. An area full of trees and other natural features often increases the number of birds you'll see. In the city, visiting a large park is a solid option. Heading outside town to explore different habitats makes it more likely that you'll see a variety of species. Look for prairie areas, wooded areas, rivers and other unique natural features to spot birds.

Visit Aberdeen Heights

Aberdeen Heights offers a wide variety of on-site amenities to keep you engaged when you're not bird-watching. The Independent Living community offers a maintenance-free lifestyle with a built-in community while giving you full control over your daily routine. Call 314-394-8943 or send a message to schedule a visit.

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